Profile: Kedric Yoder

By Avery Bieber

At just four years old, Kedric (Keddy) Yoder alongside his family moved to Choix, Mexico to begin church planting and missionary work. Keddy and his family would proceed to live there for the next 13 years and his parents stayed for 2 more years after that. His family led and carried out two successful church plants within their time in Mexico.

At the end of his 13 years in Mexico, Keddy moved to the United States to pursue his higher education at Lancaster Bible College. Keddy is a current junior majoring in Health and Physical Education and is a captain of the Men’s Soccer Team.

Keddy spent most of his time in Mexico working with his parents and their ministry work, finishing his homeschool studies and playing soccer as much as possible. Within church planting, Keddy would spend time working with the kids and leading worship. His weekdays were spent leading Bible studies with the surrounding villages, while weekends were reserved for working with the church in town.

Keddy shares that his favorite part of LBC includes the friendships he has made, and all that soccer has provided for him. He says “soccer will have to end sometime, but soccer brought me great friends that will last past that.”

Soccer has always been a way of connecting for Keddy throughout his entire life. Though he never had struggled with the language barrier due to the young age he moved to Mexico, soccer provided a way to connect with anyone he came in contact with while there.

His soccer career started in a small, dirt field in his bare feet and now he is highly ranked in the North East Atlantic Conference (NEAC), the Division III league LBC is a member of.

In line with his love of working with kids, sports and teaching, Keddy decided to pursue Health and Physical Education. He chose the HPE major because he “thinks it is a great and effective way to invest in the youth.” Keddy aspires to teach Physical Education in a middle school and begin coaching soccer.

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